Sunday, March 23, 2008

Cramp And Numbness In Left Arm

Looking 4 ... (3 part)

21) Trying to save my heart ...

Put it this way, I was dumped by Lee, not even to be with.
He was no longer 'back, on his host said that Pet but did not utter a word about it, in the meantime I had reached the lake of NS and I had a picture on that place, I had called Lee, of course.
When I designed it, I have often thought how it could have been between us if I had acted differently.
What was I supposed to do? What was I supposed to say? I would have stopped him?
It was all my fault!
I decided that that picture would have participated in the contest end of the year that the school offers, the winner would have won the holiday of a year to study 'of Paris IDES.
Returning from the lake, where I got a little 'sunbathing, I went straight to the pub' cause I knew that Cat was trying and then I could not know, maybe Lee was also seen. In the room I found
Peter, his sweet / sour goal ', and Ivy on watching the performance of Cat and AJ, she sang while he played the piano. He was very good.
Kidnapped by the two went back in time, six months before when I had moved to NS.
Why 'I did it? The image of me
AJ he recalled the main reason for my move, my father, musician.
I wasted all that time behind Lee, losing sight the main reason why I was in NS, I felt quite uncomfortable and decided to leave the site, Su noticed and approached.
<< Bimba, ancora giu per la rottura della non- relazione?>>
<< No, peggio, sono superficiale! Sai perche’ sono venuta qui? Per mio padre? Ti sembra che in tutta la confusione Lee l’abbia cercato?>>
<< Come fai a cercarlo? Conosci solo il nome!>>
<< Avrei dovuto almeno provarci, te lo giuro, mi sento una schifezza davvero! Ho il morale a pezzi!>>
<< Lo vedo dalla tavola. >> Su said, pointing to the picture.
<< Sono stata al lago, ho dipinto. In realta’ l’ho finito. >> I wanted to cry, my voice became hoarse and began to stroke on his shoulders.
<< Su andiamo, ti aiuterò io a cercare tuo padre.>> said this and I embraced her gratitude. Ivy joined happy for our affection. Moon Between Pet
and something was wrong, it is clearly understood. She complained
constantly about him, his closeness with Cat, she was always jealous of her also because 'it is believed the cousin Selena in love with him.
are frequently discussed in the back of the pub and came even within the shouting, AJ promptly so as not to hear anything increased the volume on your stereo.
<< Ti sta sempre intorno…>>
<< Non nel modo in cui la vedi tu! Cazzo, e’ sola al mondo ed io le sto dando una mano…>>
<< Potrebbe tornarsene a casa e non seguire necessariamente le orme della cugina, andiamo, vuole essere il pupazzo scopiazzato di Sely, guarda il suo cambio di stile. Fasullo.>> she snorted.
<< Sei cattiva! Dopo quello che le e’ successo, i giornali e tutto.>>
<< Non doveva andare così, e’ stata tutta pubblicità! Vedi ora quanti talient scout vengono a sentirla cantare? >>
<< In che senso non doveva andare così, non capisco… >> looked confused.
<< Pensavo fossi piu’ intelligente! Dimentichi che mio padre e’ un uomo importante a NS…>> smiled mockingly.
<< Cosa stai cercando di dire? >>
<< I tuoi incubi piu’ brutti sembrano avverarsi! >>
<< Hai mandato qualcuno a fotografarci? >>'s eyes widened.
<< Dovresti essere contento! A cosa posso arrivare quando sono innamorata…>>
<< Ti rendi conto di cosa hai fatto? Stavi rovinando la carriera ad una ragazza, ai “The cast”, per non parlare della mia reputazione, e tutto perche’ devi avere il dominio su tutto! Questo tuo desiderio di avere tutto…>> Pet lost her temper.
<< Mi ami anche per questo…>>
<< Non ne sono piu’ tanto sicuro...credo che sia meglio per te andartene adesso!>> said he turned away.
<< Come osi cacciarmi? Sai che hai bisogno di me.>>
<< Non quanto tu hai bisogno del tuo potere.>>
said that he went back into the pub while she was alone in the back.
I was glad to know that Su would help me in finding my father, we decided to table (the pub) the plan of attack.
Step One: Find all of the local jazz NS.
I had directly with the point where the student and the other from a search I learned that Simon and 'rediscovered gay (it must always be the best SIGH!) Or as he says, "has an affinity' with elective But not a guy 'who disdain the fi * a "!. Chat
a bit 'on msn and told him of Lee and my father. He advised me
to speak with the first and gave me the take the best for the second.
was now about 22.30 when I realized that the internet was closing point, I printed a list of all the jazz clubs and made a visit to the watchman of the dorm, I asked who was going to end up in my room, 28, and he very helpful told me that there were twins.
reach the bus stop for the last nontai that my house was gone.
Not knowing what to do me the light bulb suddenly appeared on the intellectual head: I went to Pet (who lived near the student) to speak with Lee, then if I was okay if I stayed with them, if I was wrong I would made accompanying to Pet.
Climbing the stairs that I would take her out the door of Pet, I tried to prepare a speech makes sense, but everything happened very quickly.
He opened me and I asked Lee.
<< Mi dispiace non c’e’. >> said, I replied with an "Ah" disappointed and I was going to ask him to at least give me a ride home.
<< Sono stanca…>> managed to say.
<< Accomodati.>> invited me to come, was listening to the CD of The Cast in the dark accompanied by a beer.
<< Non voglio disturbarti, volevo solo parlare con lui, ero allo studentato ed ho perso lu’ultimo autobus e non so come tornare…>>
<< Puoi aspettarlo qua! >> me but I felt so at ease, I saw him down but did not have the courage to ask cos'avesse. I was an idiot, I knew from that completely.
<< Scusa se non sono tanto di compagnia, ho litigato con Luna, anzi potrei dire che abbiamo chiuso. >> beasts What could I? I had to ask why? I'd seemed intrusive?
<< Mi dispiace…>>
<< Lo sapevo che era una stronza. >> what to say? << Scusami Mel, so che e’ un periodo sentimentale difficile anche per te.>>
<< Lee mi ha mollata, ma non stavamo insieme… forse dovrei dire che ha rifiutato una probabile relazione con la sottoscritta. >>
<< Eppure sei formidabile, bellissima…>>
<< Pensi che io sia bellissima?>>
<< Sì, hai un sorriso meraviglioso…>> approached me looking into my eyes.
<< Sai che avevo una cotta per te? >>
<< Sì. >> took a shot and came up even more 'to me, kissing her neck, her tongue ran through the mouth and throat coming on strong I hugged her, touched her shoulders down the back. We kissed hard and he took me in his arms and takes me in his bedroom.

22) Looking for clues about my father. Bluemoon

: another room to be cleared.

There was and there never was any in the past that local musician by the name of Alexander Jefferson.
In that week and I were on we were in five local "blues" and no one had ever seen my father. The difficult thing was to respond to not have a physical description to those who asked me. On
had made a lot of blues numbers!
<< Non starai mica pensando di tornare sui tuoi passi, cioe’ dalla parte della sponda di partenza!>>
<< Ti chiedi se improvvisamente mi piace di nuovo il…>> answered by the starting of the car Ivy.
<< Non esagerare! >> I said, sometimes on was really embarrassing.
<< Comunque prendo numeri di telefono per il locale di Peter, me l’ha chiesto lui visto che in questo periodo sta diventando un locale … ehm…“musicale”.>>
<< Peter chi? >> replied ironic, since we had "consumed" I tried to pretend it does not exist.
<< Il tuo uomo, lo scopatore a tradimento. Secondo te, Lee lo sa?>>
<< Boh! Tanto lui mi ha mollata, non se ne freghera’ piu’ di tanto…>>
<< Beh allora parliamo di tuo padre! Come la mettiamo?>>
I did not know what to say, I felt so demotivated, my search began and I had not even thought about right.
And if he abandoned his dream of becoming a musician? If he was doing the accountant or the street sweeper? Or ...
<< Se é morto? Mio padre…?>> When I looked at him doubtfully, he wanted to tell me something, maybe console.
<< Se e’ morto lo scopriremo. TI SCOVEREMO OVUNQUE TU SIA ALEXANDER JEFFERSON! ANCHE ALL’INFERNO!>> yelled putting his head out the window, bursts into laughter while passers-by looked at us bewildered. The apartment
Pet, Lee and the landlord were talking on the thread of discussion.
<< Dunque non tornerai con Luna.>>
<< Non per il momento, basta! Devo pensarci…>>
Lee stood impatiently by opening the refrigerator, none of two had been shopping and there was nothing to eat. The boy grabbed a beer vented while Peter looked like he was trying to fix the TV for a couple of days he was going only in black and white.
<< Per caso ci hai lanciato qualcosa contro?>> Pet churches.
<< No, non mi sembra…>> Lee said, pulling a sip of beer that smelled of cat piss.
<< Devo assolutamente andare a fare la spesa.>> decided going in the guest room to take a jacket.
<< Sì, bravo. Facciamo una lista. >> Pet advised intent in their work.
Lee did not seem to find peace, went back and forth to the apartment, he suddenly stopped in front of the TV, where he was behind Pet.
<< Hai intenzione di metterti con Mel? Come dire… fartela di nuovo, o magari di frequente?>>
<< Lee ti ho detto che e’ stato un errore, era davvero triste perche’ l’avevi mollata per la vostra “non relazione”, io stavo fatto di birra a causa di Luna.>>
<< Ti sembra che le sia piaciuto?>>
<< Parli d’aria fritta! Non me lo ricordo! Lei ha in mente te… non me, e non e’ di certo colpa mia se era sola e triste quella sera. Ma piu’ di tutto non e’ nemmeno colpa sua! Cosa vuoi da lei?>>
<< Io non sono abbastanza per lei…>>
<< Coglione! Che ne sai tu di cosa vuole lei?>>
<< Sono così arrabbiato!>>
<< Se vuoi puoi darmi un pugno, uno solo, pero’ poi vai da lei!>>
Lee looked puzzled, but the friend left the house soon after.
Meanwhile, the local Cat was in the back to get his stuff. He had just finished performing that night and felt more 'worn out than usual. He drank constantly and felt as if her voice was going to be lost, suddenly some warbling for fear that any moment her voice was really going on. Behind him appeared to her a big man.
<< Signorina, per le public relation deve prendersi una segretaria, ho troppo da fare di la per occuparmi dei suoi affari.>> complained to him confidentially, lately Taliento scout always asking private interviews with Cat after the show, but nobody offered anything interesting.
<< AJ, un altro? >>
<< No, stranamente e’ diversa, e’ una ragazza! Un po’ piu’ grande di te...>> Cat
her inside and he was visibly surprised, she had a style a little 'too smart, he thought to himself: "What you got to do with me?".
<< Ciao, mi chiamo Annie e sono una musicista!>>
<< Mi sembra di conoscerti!>> could not make the local mind.
<< No, in realta’ sono la bassista di un gruppo rock melodico, mi chiamo Annie Vitali…>>
<< Sei sulla punta della mia lingua…>>
<< Sono delle No Sins.>>
<< Le No Sins? Le 4 ragazze di Villa Nuova! >> VN, the capital of Edelpha Hills, the city 'was the only of our country with Italian origins.
<< Sì, sono una di loro!>>
<< Ormai sono anni che siete in giro, ma ultimamente non vi eravate ritirate?>>
<< Stiamo organizzando una reunion…ci serve un supporter per le aperture dei nostri concerti che decreteranno il nostro ritorno! Qualcosa di forte, qualcosa che e’ sulla bocca di tutti…>> seemed really stressed.
<< Ho letto qualcosa in merito! >> Niki had given birth, the boy (or girl) should have had a few years. Was engaged to one of the country's most famous singers - Andrea DG-and should get married, or maybe you were already married ...
<< Abbiamo fatto un reality sulle nostre vite, che non avrai visto, dopo questo ci hanno proposto dei concerti! Vediamo come andranno prima di rimetterci in studio… >>
<< Io non ho un repertorio, sai?>>
<< Abbiamo visto i tuoi video – su youtube- delle esibizioni al programma pop-star, le canzoni che sono in giro potrebbero andar bene. Che ne pensi?>> Cat remained intimidated.

23) Trying to impress someone.

Lee came home with a bag of potato chips and beer, opened the door and looked thoughtful, meanwhile continued to tighten their fists. Pet
joined him at the door, asking for the contents of the shopping bag and what was to him to divide.
<< Niente di che, e poi pago io…come ricompensa, o per meglio dire “ringraziamento”…>>
<< Che stai dicendo? >>
<< Torno a casa mia, grazie per l’ospitalita’…>> he said, opening the bag of chips.
<< Prego.>> Pet said, thinking to himself that beer and chips served him very little since it had in its establishment of a free galore.
He noted that Lee's back was almost waiting for it to turn around, turned around and suddenly felt a sharp pain in the cheekbone, fell head snapped back and collapsing on the sofa in violent curse ...
<< Scusa amico, ma Mel e’ mia e se non ti avessi colpito tra noi le cose non si sarebbero mai sistemate.>> Pet
was painful lying on the couch but his hand nodded ok, Lee out of the apartment while they look forward to talking with someone of his decision, perhaps just hoped to find "her" at home waiting for him. The
instead opened the door on the beloved, but did not seem so happy to see him.
<< Bastardo...>> no, it was not very happy.
<< Sono tornato!>>
<< L’ho capito, ti aspetti che io e Mel ti riaccogliamo a braccia aperte, visto come ti sei comportato con lei?>>
The boy went into his room, opened the window and managed while on the waiting arms folded, he went to the fridge and chose an orange juice.
<< Ho deciso di conquistarla…>>
<< Chi? Cosa? Non credo di aver capito.>>
<< Voglio mettermi con Mel...>>
<< No, assolutamente no! Scordatelo. Cosa credi di fare? Fino a pochi giorni fa te ne fregavi, ora torni hai saputo da Pet che scopa bene e vuoi scopartela anche tu?>>
<< Non la toccherò con un dito se lei non vorra’ ,e non e’ vero che non me ne fregavo di lei prima, e’ per lei che da qualche settimana ho smesso di “farmi”. Tu che mi conosci, puoi capire il motivo per cui ero titubante a mettermi con lei…>>
<< Per quanto io possa aver capito, ti chiedo di lasciarla in pace, ha sofferto e pianto per te, ora sta cercando di trovare la sua identita’ cercando il padre. Non metterti di nuovo in mezzo a quest’ obbiettivo, e’ venuta qui per questo ed in questi mesi non ha fatto altro che pensare e preoccuparsi per te invece di badare a se stessa…>> Lee was impressed. In
local Cat was trying a song for the evening and at that moment arrived Pet. The girl without thinking twice fell off the stage and joined him soon noticed the swollen cheekbone.
<< Cosa hai fatto?>>
<< Nulla, mi sono solo scontrato con un cazzotto…>>
<< Lo avevo capito…>> Pet did not really want to talk but Cat just had to tell him how he thought.
<< Ascolta, ti volevo parlare di Mel…>>
<< Anche tu? Dannazione ma e’ un argomento in voga ultimamente? >>
<< E’ un argomento scottante visto che ci sei andata a letto, notizia pervenutami da amici intimi, ancora piu’ scottante se mettiamo il fatto che stai ancora con Luna. >>
<< Si tratta della mia vita privata, posso andare anche con tutte le donna presenti nel locale…>> Cat looked at him skeptically and he seemed resigned.
<< Va bene! Non sto piu’ con Luna momentaneamente e con Mel e’ stato un consolarci a vicenda, cosa che di comune accordo non accadrà più.>>
<< Non devo dirti nulla, sappi solo che tutti i nostri conoscenti sanno che e’ con Lee che deve stare Mel non certo con te…>>
Their conversation was interrupted by the four local girls accompanied by a boy, one of them headed for AJ to ask something, immediately recognized the Cat.
Annie and the No Sins, no less accompanied by the famous Andrea DG.
Niki seemed slightly in the flesh, because of the pregnancy and Andrea held her hand. Paola Ilaria and their accompanying always dressed so cool, they had come a long way the four girls of Villa Nuova but were now to return to the limelight and that was their debut as the first had Need some ideas for reform. Annie Cat
saw and greeted her from afar for the time did not seem to want to approach, in fact went up on stage and began singing one of their success.
The interpretation was interrupted by the applause of those present and the people that attended.
Annie came up to Cat to submit other, they all seemed very friendly with her.
<< Spero che tu conosca qualche nostra canzone.>> churches Ilaria tone safe.
<< In realtà conosco solo i vostri singoli, ma mi siete sempre andate a genio!>>
<< Ah meno male! Non avendo guardato il nostro reality pensavo fossi una no-sins-hater!>> Annie intervened.
<< Ascolta Cat, staremo decidendo di cambiare genere, vorremo fare del rock piu’ duro sai…>> Niki explains.
<< Proprio il genere che preferisco.>> Cat responds
<< Si, ce l’ha detto Annie, per il prossimo tour ci serve un supporter noto, dopo la maternità abbiamo paura di essere state un po’ dimenticate! Il reality e’ andato bene, ma la gente pagherà il biglietto per venirci a vedere?>>
<< Ce la farai? Con il bambino ?>> Cat asked without thinking.
<< Il periodo di pausa è stato lungo, per questo Annie è diventata una produttrice nel frattempo. Noi altre ci siamo tutte sposate o giu di lì, in verita’ io non ancora.>>
<< Sono l’unica zitella mentre Paola e’ sposata ed ha due figli piccoli, Ilaria si e’ appena sposata di fretta e furia mentre Niki ed Andrea hanno avuto il loro primo figlio.>>
<< Ha ragione, noi abbiamo avuto una pausa famiglia mentre lei aveva ancora tanto da dare.> > Paola justified.
<< Ma ora siete tornate da me per un cd stile Linkin’ Park, no?>> snorted with laughter.
<< Volesse il cielo! Aveva che non volessimo più tornare…>> Ilaria said, while the others laughed and Annie darkened.
<< In poche parole mi state dicendo che se vi andrò bene, vi seguirò solo per questo tour di sei mesi per poi ritrovarmi per strada, mentre voi riprendete la vostra mitica carriera?- riassunse Cat.
<< Esatto…>> Andrea said that intervened for the first time. << Però Annie, che e’ anche produttrice, ha in mente alcune canzoni da registrare con te!>> finished.
<< Non dovevi anticiparglielo!>> scolded her << Vorrei che diventassi la Avril Lavigne di Loreland!>> smiled.
<< Ok, ci sto! >> Cat said, getting up from the table and going on stage.
<< Lo spettacolo ha inizio!>> screamed from the microphone, hoping with all of herself to please the No Sins.

24) Trying to be a Top Model.

Lee was at the pub with Cat who was telling him 's performance made for the No Sins.
<< Avevo un forte calore nel petto, tanto fiato in gola che credo che un esibizione migliore nella mia vita non ci sara'...>>
<< Non credo proprio, mi auguro che l'esito arrivi presto, vederti agitata mi fa sentire nervoso.>>
<< Come sei empatico! >> said while there came a call to the phone. After two seconds from his face he knew the contents of the phone.
<< A breve partirò per il mio primo tour!>> said when he hung up.
<< E' magnifico!>> Lee 's embrace, remained together for a while so that she almost touched.
<< Mi lasci da solo...>> Lee joked as she broke away from him.
<< Credo che sia il momento di separarmi da te, grazie di tutto, sò che sei in buone mani.>>
<< Se l'avessi capito prima, avrei evitato tante sofferenze e tanti casini.>>
<< Sei sempre il solito testone, non bisogna dimenticarlo... >>
<< Mi mancherai...>> and told him she threw her arms even more 'emotion.

got home from school I noticed that the living room of our house was a real mess.
Clothing and models everywhere, Suze and Ivy were preparing for the competition at the end of year was different for them because 'they had to organize a fashion show, and for us there would be an exhibition of our work, already' ready.
I had painted a landscape (what a surprise '!) And I was called "Lee", I was a little upset' cause it would be a true declaration of love, I did not know if he ever would have participated in the competition or if ever would be presented.
<< Parteciperete insieme? Oppure ognuna ha il suo vestito?>>
<< Insieme, però io mi occuperò della stoffa gli accessori e così via, mentre Su ha preparato il bozzetto…>> Ivy said too busy with her work.
<< Quindi il vostro sodalizio continua? >> asked provocative in tone.
<< Si, per il concorso, come per ogni anno. Dobbiamo dirti una cosa...>> asked me to sit down.
<< Ragazze mi mettete in agitazione, volete un prestito da me? >>
<< Puah, io sono ricchissima...>> Ivy said.
<< In realtà' vorremo che tu facessi da modella al nostro abito.>> I remained puzzled, in a second I found two thousand reasons do not.
<< Sono alta un metro e sessanta, vi sembra che possa aiutarvi?>>
<< No problem, avrai un tacco da 15 e ti presto un modello simile a quello che indosserai così per farci l'abitudine.>> Ivy clarified.
<< Sono ingrassata, mi sento una mucca, Ivy sarebbe fantastica, perche' io? >>
<< Magari potessi sfilare, sono troppo impegnata con il back stage...>>
<< E poi sei magrissima e da quando soffri per Lee, lo sei ancora di piu'...>> Suze confirmed.
<< Sto mangiando di piu'...>>
<< La nostra modella sei tu, noi vogliamo te.>> Ivy seemed convincing.
<< Accetto, ma datemi subito le scarpe non vorrei cadere in passerella. >>
He introduced me to a shoe decolletage 'elegant but too high, on the heels seem even more' lean than I was. Lee
eveva made me more 'physically frail but more' strong in spirit, not eating for men and 'a shit, I would tell all the girls, people who love to welcome you as you are.
When I looked in the mirror in my room, I saw appear from behind Lee, and my heart was a shock, I touched the sides.
<< Sei dimagrita! Attenzione non mi piacciono le ragazze troppo magre...>> said.
<< No, credo sia l'effetto tacco...>> I tried to justify myself.
<< No, sei dimagrita, guarda che ti ho toccata, la mia mano non m'inganna...>> asshole that he wanted to force noted that awkward moment?
<< Non aver vergogna o magari lo rimpiangi? Possiamo sempre riprendere da dove abbiamo interrotto!>> fulminai him while he absented himself for a second looking at the gap.
"I ask you to leave her alone, he suffered and cried for you ..."- Suze's words echoed in the minds of Lee
In the meantime, I thought that even 15 cm of heels made me get up to it but at least I did not make the figure of the dwarf, I feel a sharp pain in her ankle (because heels) and as I bent down to touch her embrace I felt behind him.
<< Sei dimagrita a causa mia!>> whispered resting her head on my back, it was the truth 'but I do not feel guilty.
<< Ma no, ho dovuto studiare molto.>>
<< Non soffrirai mai piu' per me, te lo prometto! >>
<< Lee, non devi preoccuparti per me...>>
I felt his heart beating on my back, if at this moment I had turned, I could not help myself, I did not know if that was the right time.
<< Ho smesso di “ farmi” ed e' grazie a te e non lo farò mai piu' se vuol dire farti soffrire.>>
I turned with a jerk, how sweet hid her face from hard? We approached slowly, his hands and walked my neck, stopping on the cheeks, away from Suze called us to ask if we wanted to go to the pub with them.
Fear of being alone with him and could not hold back, I did answer yes and saw that he had no choice he agreed.
C'incamminammo towards the room and he handed me the Pet arm saw my difficulty 'to walk on his heels.
<< Come mai indossi i tacchi ora?>>
<< Devo abituarmi, sfilerò per Suze ed Ivy. >>
<< Hanno scelto te? Ottima scelta. >> I did not know if he was serious or ironic, but held out his arm had been a very gallant gesture.
At the pub, Ivy and Suze we anticipated to find a table.
<< Abbiamo interrotto un discorso, potremo continuarlo in camera mia...>> continued smiling as I made my face irritated. << Possiamo anche continuare “ a parlare” in salotto, se tu non vorrai io non ti sfiorerò neanche con un fiore, non ricommetterò mai quello sbaglio.>>
<< No, ma io voglio che mi tocchi...>> ops.
<< Molto interessante!>> laughed, pulling her hips towards you.
We were still two inches and a dall'alltro for the first time I did not care if someone saw her, it was just me and him.
Suddenly the police came and sent them all out, the pub is displaced, we stayed in for understand what was happening.
The police called out a name, but not well understood in the first moment I saw only that they were putting the handcuffs to AJ.
<< Alexander Jefferson, lei e' in arresto per spaccio di stupefacenti. >> blackened my brain, 'cause that name I was new? Suze looked at me and my mind shooting lucidity '. Alexander Jefferson was the name of my alleged father ...

25) Trying to reconstruct the past.

I spent the whole night to make assumptions about AJ with Lee and Suze. It was strange to know that if I looked good around me I noticed that my father was probably very close to me, but knowing my two friends did not agree, was a suspicion.
As I said on, I should be glad if it was he really my father, 'cause it was an honest, helpful and always gave good advice.
<< Sull'onesta avrei qualche dubbio. >> explained, Lee was ready to defend it.
<< Ha fatto molti errori in passato ma chi non ne ha fatti? Non sappiamo nemmeno se e' stato arrestato per giusta causa. >>
When we retired, now late morning, in our rooms, Lee asked me if I wanted to be together in the prison to talk to AJ and I, that I had not even thought up to that point, I said that I was fine.
was Sunday, I never imagined that the first release on her own with Lee was to visit my father in prison as possible.
was very nice to me, asked me if I wanted something to eat, but I had the stomach closed. I made a juice from the fridge, putting in his hands, but he drank a coffee run '.
We went in motion, claimed to know the schedules of visits, I asked him why not, 'the thing I knew was that at that time I needed support and he was.
went into that gray place and it was he who inquired to enter while I felt like a child incapable.
We sat on one side of the table waiting for him to arrive on the other.
AJ came and I squeezed the arm of Lee that he looked at me, touching his hand. My alleged father seemed surprised.
<< Pensavo fosse mia moglie!..>> said the faces of those who had not slept a single minute. He had a wife and children, I thought to myself, had gone ahead, but mom had taken too time. A thread of anger ran through my entire body.
<< Siamo venuti a portarti le sigarette...>> Lee said, driving two packs of Marlboro Light. I remembered our stay at the tobacconist, he had thought of everything.
<< Grazie. Sandra mi portera' piu' tardi qualcosa di mio, ne ho bisogno.>>
<< In realta' ci sono cose che Mel ti vuole chiedere... >> he seemed surprised, actually 'had nothing to do with each other until then.
<< Beh si, volevo chiederti se hai mai vissuto a ST…>>
<< Sì, sono sono di ST, mi sono trasferito piu' o meno venti anni fa...>>
<< Conoscevi una donna di nome Megan Brown.? >> began my third grade. He seemed upset.
<< Sì, ma non capisco cosa possa c'entrarci in questo momento.>>
<< In che termini? >> asked Lee.
<< Era la mia ragazza, fino a poco prima che partissi. >>
<< Sono tua figlia. La figlia di Megan, sono nata 7 mesi dopo la tua dipartita da St.>> said while he was wondering if a joke in poor taste at that time so he could be fair.
explained that what I was saying was a mile away to be a joke, that I knew had gone to become a jazz musician and his grandfather just before he died he told me his real indent '.
<< Ti ho cercato così tanto AJ...>>
<< Mi dispiace, non ne sapevo nulla...>>
<< Lo so, mamma e' così testarda, ha una strana idea della possessione, ma nonostante tutto non voleva rovinare il tuo sogno.>>
<< La solita stupida...>>
<< Ti ha amato sempre, solo poco fa ha incontrato un'altra persona.>>
<< Ti ho deluso Mel? Ti aspettavi che avessi fatto carriera?>>
<< No, papa'...>> I said as if I had already 'used to the idea. << Scusa, mi e' uscito! >>
<< No, dillo pure, l'unica consolazione che puoi avere con un padre così disastrato.>>
<< AJ, tu sei una brava persona. >> Lee intervened. << Io ti aiuterò ad uscire da qui.>> continued.
<< Non puoi perche' sono stato arrestato per reati commessi anni fa, da me, loro lo sanno, gli avvocati mi hanno detto che e' meglio ammetterlo. Potrei avere uno sconto della pena. Proprio ora che ne ero uscito…>>
<< Quanto pensano di darti? >> Lee insisted.
<< Cinque anni se tutto va male...>> did not survive, I burst into tears.
<< Andra' tutto bene figlia mia.>> said, as if you were getting used too.
<< Devono andare bene le cose! >> Lee said, offering a good lawyer of his father. AJ explained there was no need that his was a friend and it was cheap.
I touched her hands and made it clear that I had nothing to do more 'with this life but that was just served in that way.
<< Megan mi ha stupito, ti ha mandando a NS così...>>
<< In realta'e' un bel po' che non ci parliamo...>>
<< E' sempre la solita!>>
<< E' una brava persona come te...>> the giustificai.
<< E' una donna meravigliosa, siamo noi troppo ambiziosi. >> said in a tone of regret, she was sure he was thinking of the possibility 'that he would remain with her in ST. Certainly would not have been in prison at that time.
It said sorry for the death of his grandfather had always gotten along, I remembered with sadness.
<< Ora pensa a tenere duro! >> Lee advised him as if he were an expert on the circumstances.
<< Dovrò dirlo a mia moglie...>> I offered to help him but he asked do not worry about the important thing was that sometimes I go to find.
<< Sicuramente.>> I assured him.
<< L'accompagnerò io! >> Lee promised.
<< Comportati bene con lei. >> AJ's recommended and winked at him.
We went out and I was relieved but anxious.
<< Lee secondo te, il minino che può avere quant'e'?>> I asked, already sure he had the answer.
<< Nove mesi, con tutte le attenuanti. >> my face for sure took a ridiculous expression.
<< Passano in fretta.>>
consoled me I told him I had hoped, he added that he was so expert on the subject because 'many of his friends had had the same experience.
<< Non sono una bravissima persona, ma non sono finito mai in carcere, comunque lo sapevi e ti piaccio lo stesso, no?>> asked quietly and I was not able to nod, hugging him. It was the first time I did it at that and he smiled stroking her hair.
<< Me lo dai un bacio? O ti sembra un brutto momento?>> churches. I smiled, not really expecting any consolation at the time. I gave him a long kiss on the mouth, his arms wrapped to my body while I stroked her hair, we were both breathing heavily.
fell from my lips and began to kiss my nose, eyes, chin, cheeks and lips again, and finally bit my chin, I laughed with fright. We parted and we turned his eyes for a few seconds. We did not say anything because the words were not enough, we knew it.
<< Che farai ora?>> Lee said after holding on tight.
<< Vorrei chiamare mia madre...>> pointed to a phone booth and then thrown back in his arms to kiss him.

26) Trying to explain everything to my mother.

my mother had arrived one day after my phone call, alarmed by the request to rush me as soon as possible.
had not thought about anything, had taken three days off to work and had slingshots on NS.
This was a bit 'upset my life and my roommates, Lee went to the dorm room of Cat, and the girl was pretending to be from us our third tenant.
not had a mentality that 'small but it was always my mother, who did not want to live with strange ideas, seeing a boy, misconceptions too, since there was nothing concrete ever happened between me and Lee. Alas'! I
On asked politely, not to say openly their sexual preferences, I had felt a little 'bitch in that case, moreover, was their life not mine. The boys, however, all agreed the situation, I probably capiscivano, having also their parents.
I had worried a bit 'meeting with my mother, we did not feel I was expecting for a long time and was hard on me, but I had a big hug and asked me how I was.
<< Bene mamma, sto studiando un po' troppo in questo periodo, ma non mi posso lamentare.>>
<< Ma abitando fuori lo studentato riesci a sopravvivere?>>
<< Ho un lavoretto. >> hell, what could I say? Body artist? He would have understood or thought of something pornographic?
<< Ah, cosa fai? >> what I did?
<< Aiuto imbianchino, aiuto il mio amico Lee. >> and I already just said 'sorry,' cause I had mentioned? If he had met and had asked the chore? I would have embarrassed, 'I just had to warn him.
Cat had already arrived at home 'there, Lee and his stuff had already' passed. I would miss not being able to continually see in those days.
<< Sei una punk?>> once asked my mother, Cat as clothing.
<< No signora, sono un EMO! >> tried to explain.
<< In qualunque modo lo dici il significato non cambia, sei una ex punk, Emo. Tra dieci anni si chiameranno in un modo diverso, l'ho avuto un periodo PUNK anche io, con i Sex Pistols.>>
<< Davvero mamy? Non lo sapevo! >> I said, aghast, according to instead she had not said anything funny. My mother punk, ossignore, I had heard all that time.
We were finally alone in my room, she was in trepidation, I wonder 'what imagined.
<< Ho trovato mio padre.>> told in no uncertain terms.
<< Ma se non sai nulla di lui! >> did not believe me.
<< Il nonno prima di morire mi ha detto abbastanza.>> lowered his head, knew he could not blame a dead man, so who was responsible. had no 'importance.
<< Dov'e'?>> asked me worried, maybe he thought he could take me away from her.
<< Non ho buone notizie...>>
<< Cos'e' in carcere?>> ridiculed, as if it were the least likely of all.
<< In effetti, si.>>
was upset, he did tell all in a hurry, he seemed very anxious and asked me to take from him the next day. I assured her, I'd be done for that reason, broke from her eyes of tears and I tried in vain to pull them in high spirits, saying reassuring things. After a while
'knocked the door of my room, Su and Lee wanted to take us to the pub, Ivy was there with them, ready to appear.
<< Sono la ragazza di...>>
<< Lee! >> the advance on remembering the promise made.
The evening passed quietly even if Ivy seemed angry in the situation, for that reason feeling a bit 'cause of all, to a certain time (after the performance of Cat), I decided to go home with his mother. I also worried about the possible meeting with Pet, which was not yet able to speak that night and would not clarify the case in the presence of my mother, "Mom you know ah, I went to bed with Pet, 'cause I Lee wanted, he, the boyfriend of Ivy Lee. " Was out!
back home we both sat on my bed and she had a great desire to gossip about my friends.
<< Secondo me Ivy e' segretamente innamorata di Su.>>
<< Che?>>
<< Amore mio, esistono anche le lesbiche sai? E Lee ha una cotta per te.>>
<< Dici?>> I had taken months just to get in his circle of friends, and my mother was telling me that in her opinion, had a crush on me?
<< Si vede da come ti guarda, da come segue ogni cosa che dici e fai, e' dolcissimo quel periodo della vita in cui per te esiste solo la persona che ti piace.>>
<< Non e' sempre positivo, lo so che hai sofferto molto quando ero depressa per Peter, anche se non lo hai dato a vedere, perche' ti preoccupavi solo di sorreggermi! >> she smiled with mild embarrassment.
<< E so anche che sei stata male quando sono andata via da ST, scusami! >>
<< No, per questa cosa devi scusarmi tu bambina mia! Avevo la sensazione che le persona che amavano se andassero sempre, tu eri la mia forza, lo eri sempre stata, senza di te mi sarei sentita persa ed invece Adam, anche se lo detesti, mi ha fatto capire che le persona se non le allontani, non se ne vanno, ma semplicemente crescono… e poi ritornano! Infatti sei stata tu a chiamare me quando sei stata pronta a risentirmi.>>
<< Mamma tu sei il mio riparo, sei il mio posto sicuro, il mio faro. Sono contenta di avere una madre forte come te, sei stato un esempio formidabile. So che in ogni momento della mia vita ci sarai tu a guidarmi, in qualunque posto andrò.>>
She hugged me and began to sing Father and son Cat Stevens, as he did when I was a child before falling asleep.

Megan: It is time to change

Sit down, take it easy
're still young, this
is your fault There are still many things to deal
find a girl, settle down, If you want you can marry

Look at me I'm old, but I'm happy

All the times I've cried, keeping everything inside

me is hard, but it is also hard to ignore all

If they were right, I agree, but they are
you know, I do not
Now there's a way and I know that I must go

I know I have to go

That time I was singing the verse of "child" and we moved like two stupid, we wiped away the tears with each other and decided to stay (I am in a sleeping bag at the foot of the bed) before turning off light stopped me.
<< Dobbiamo dire a quel povero ragazzo che la sua fidanzata e' lesbica e che tu sei disposta a consolarlo.>>
<< Mamma! >> threw the pillow and laughed together. I did not know what was going on between me and Lee, we still had not spoken well, that I could think of was that aside from the jokes usually depraved, with me she was acting like a big brother. He acted the same way on and Cat did not want to be like them, between us there is no electricity, alchemy, I felt complete when I was with him. I had to be cooked, but I decided to stop thinking about the next day I was responsible for a long day.
Mom woke up early that morning, had become beautiful, too I guess.
woke up on that would have accompanied the penitentiary with the Ivy machine.
My father once saw her, smiled mockingly.
<< C'e' qualcun altro della famiglia?>> eclamò.
<< No, sono l'ultima, anche perche' non hai avuto il tempo di mettermi incinta e scappare di nuovo. >>
<< Touchet! Sei sempre la solita lingua lunga! >>
<< Sei sempre il solito testa di cazzo! Ho sempre saputo che prima o poi saresti finito dentro.>> RESPONSIBLE her.
<< Spero di uscirne presto.>> AJ said.
<< Sai cosa diceva Francisco de Quevedo?"Cento delinquenti fanno meno male di un giudice cattivo." >>
<< Scusate gente, potete smetterla di punzecchiarvi e parlare dei tempi andati, o di cosa avete fatto in questi anni?>> I tried to bring order.
<< Mel non sarebbe Megan se non contraddicesse tutto quello che dico. >>
<< E tu non saresti il cretino che sei, se non sminuissi ogni mia singola parola. >> as he spoke, however, that I called languid glances, they were flirting? At a glance showed me that it was time to cut the rope. Leave them alone, with the promise not to other children in the meantime.
Suze and I waited in the car.
<< Si e' arrabbiata Ivy? >>
<< Un pochino, dice che mi vergogno di lei, quando invece sei tu che ti vergogni di noi.>>
<< Non e' vero, era per....privacy! >> actually 'did not know' cause I had asked to lie, I was a dirty hypocrite?
<< Come no, comunque mi sono presa tutte le colpe, l'ho fatto perche' non so cosa ne possa pensare lei dell'omosessualità' e ti voglio troppo bene per farti riportare con la forza a St! >>
<< Sei innamorata di me, lo sapevo. >> ironizzai.
<< No, mi piacciono castane ex rosse e’ vero, però non quelle normali, quelle ricche! >>
joked a bit 'and told her that my mother had realized that Ivy was in love with her and was sorry for the poor Lee (of course I omitted the fact that he believed that Lee was in love with me!)
<< Che tosta Megan! Quanto torna la prossima volta, le diciamo che le cose sono andate proprio come lei immaginava e che Lee ha accettato tutto perche' si e' innamorato di te!>> more ? I'd had enough with the story, otherwise I would have mounted the head.
<< Hai visto che flirtona tua madre con AJ? Da non credere, c'era tensione sessuale...>>
<< Tu credi?>> I pretended to fall from clouds but actually 'I had also noticed that there was still something between them and the desire to get back together it was getting into my mind.

27) Trying to accept the state of things.

The day before the departure of my mother, I resigned, there would be no flashback, my parents would never have been a couple.
Like last night, we organized a dinner at our house, everyone would cook something and saw that my mother had already thought 'for me, my task I was given was to go and buy some beers to Pet.
I did not want to go there in truth 'and Lee had intended for me, but for a series of unfortunate events, I did.
I knew there would be for him and that we should have strength to speak, it was too long that we had to do it. As soon as I saw
called me on the bench.
<< Ehi!>>
<< Ciao.>> said, since there were arrived, but then what?
<< Ti offro da bere, anche da mangiare? Cosa vuoi?>>
<< Guarda se lo fai per scusarti non devi, non hai nulla da farti perdonare! Anzi scusa tu...>>
<< No tu, sono io quello piu' grande e che dovrebbe essere piu' assennato.>>
<< Ah si, dovresti? Dai rimaniamo che doveva capitare. >> what the heck did I say? It had to happen necessarily having to go to bed together? Type predestination?
<< Non tipo predestinazione.>> precisai, from bad to worse. I could put something in your mouth before going out? Type an apple or chess ...
<< Si ecco, era quello che volevo dire, e' stato bello ma...>>
<< Sì bellissimo. Ma amici come prima?>> did not want to hurt us but the reality 'and that it had had no effect.
<< Speravo non me lo chiedessi piu'!>>
Love was the answer, but in the meantime sex posed good questions ... How would Lee
in bed? Pet I had seen her breasts every time I would have imagined I would have looked without a shirt? I would always come to mind the shape of his, uh, dude?
These were my questions as I returned home with the beers offered by the "home" and that made me feel a bit 'a ring.
arrived at the apartment I found my mother and Lee talk about recipes.
<< Eccomi!>>
<< Ciao tesoro, ma sai che il tuo amico Lee e' un gran cuoco?>> was also a good fucker?
My mind wandered at the same time warned us that he was ready on the table.
Cat did not attend the dinner, she would leave the next day and was said to be engaged around with the final preparations. Ivy Said one of his own, was going to flirt with Pet. What tongue Ivy. Pet
deliver but you saw the second visit of the evening.
<< Sei qui anche quando hai la serata libera?>> he said ironically.
<< Sai parto domani sera e forse non ci sarebbe stato tempo per salutarci...>>
<< Lo so, sarei passato io domani da te...>>
<< Non venire! >> she said fiercely. He was a little 'disappointed.
<< Lascia che ti spieghi...>>
<< Pensavo di averti tenuto buona compagnia!>> claimed him unconvinced.
<< Possiamo?>> she said pointing to the back while he did sit with the hand gesture.
The boy leaned against the wall, arms folded, asking for explanations.
<< Fino ad oggi ero un tuo confidente e non vuoi nemmeno che venga a salutarti?>>
<< Peter il fatto e' che ... non so come spiegartelo, mi farebbe troppo male.>>
Cat came up with such a speed ', as if in a hurry and without thinking twice kissed him hard, so much so that he for a moment imagine that you are kissing cousins, but it was Selena and' Cat and this made him feel particularly excited.
"By Jove," he thought, "is so young."
did nothing, however, to return her kiss, inhaled the scent of her hair, the taste of licorice that was always with him since he quit smoking. Suddenly he realized that he knew everything about her.
"For the poor cat does not leave", he wanted to say.
<< Capito perche' non voglio che tu venga a salutarmi?>> he asserted, shaking his head.
<< Cosa farai quando io non ci sarò?>> asked, looking into his eyes.
<< Beh, sarò a ST, farò il tirocinio lì.>> answered with embarrassment, no more after Selena had 'watched so closely.
<< Finita la tourne' ci farò un salto...>>
<< Ci conto! >> and said that, Pet kissed her again, no promises, no false hopes. What remained was nothing, only the immense desire to keep her in my arms once again. After dinner I
, Up, my mammma, Ivy Lee and we sat on the couch to talk.
<< Allora voi due fate vestiti?>> Megan asked concerned, seemed incredulous.
<< Sì signora, e Mel sara' la nostra modella. Avevamo progettato di fare due vestiti per il concorso di fine anno, ma poi abbiamo deciso di unire i nostri lavori per far si che il risultato fosse migliore. >> said Ivy, with millions more compliments on my body and my posture. It was useless to flatter, Ivy, so the next day would go away.
<< Ma smettila, sembra una papera con quei tacconi.>>
<< Ed il vestito e' pronto? Posso vedere la mia bambina vestita da donna?>> mother asked.
<< Manca qualcosa ma si può fare...>> said on while I categorically refused to do so. Forced
, I had been transported by the two designers in the room and so on had started the restoration.
<< Sei perfetta per questo vestito! >> said Ivy wearing it.
<< Credo che Su l'abbia disegnato proprio per te.>>
I remained puzzled, I looked on dubiously.
<< Sì, e' la verita'!>> confirmed, but they looked at had no intention of breaking the silence.
<< Insomma Mel, sei la nostra Cinderella.>> Ivy continued.
<< Esatto. Sei come un baco da seta, bella lo sei sempre stata, ma ora sei una stupenda farfalla.>> explained on smug.
tears from my eyes went down and they came to embrace me.
<< Non c'e' niente da piangere, sai?>> Ivy said.
<< Sei sempre la solita!>> noticed on a handkerchief and looked at her with eyes still full of tears.
<< Ti voglio bene.>> I cried, sobbing.
<< Non so dirvi quanto mi siete state d'aiuto. Senza di voi questa farfalla non avrebbe mai spiccato il volo. Ed invece di dirvelo vi ho costrette a nascondere il vostro amore. Perdonatemi sono una bigotta del cavolo.>>
<< Non fa niente, tu sei giusta così come sei, ed a volte nascondere la realta' non guasta. >> reassured me Ivy.
<< Voglio tanto bene anche a te Ivy, ti ammiro tantissimo ed invidio il vostro amore!>> added, without reservation.
<< Ed io invidio te, hai una mamma fantastica, la mia non riuscirebbe a stare insieme a tanti ragazzi così strambi.>>
<< Sì e' vero! E' meravigliosa.>> admitted.
<< Però non piangere piu' che ti cola il rimmel.>> went on. As always she was there to beat them but he adored her for that too.
I stood in silence and did prepare me like a doll, I trusts them.
<< Sei pronta!>> Ivy said motioning with her hands on and excited.
I asked the girls a big hug.
<< Che tenerona!>> Ivy said.
I walked into the living room slowly, with bated breath, hoping that my mother had been proud of me and I hoped with all of myself to please Lee. I'd never been to his height?
As soon as I saw Mom, she looked at me approvingly.
<< Non c'e' che dire, sei proprio mia figlia.>> I said, pleased. Lee looked at me and instead applauded.
<< Non e' del tutto finito.>> Ivy said. << Al festival ci sara' la versione definitiva, Megan le invierò una foto.>>
Me and Lee we set off look, I wanted to tell me something but did not open his mouth. Megan made me a lot of pictures, in truth 'photographed all embraced and became immortalized in Lee.
<< Non sempre si incontrano ragazzi così belli.>>
<< Grazie, ma devi ammettere che non si trovano neanche quelli bravi in cucina come me, sono proprio un ragazzo raro!>> Lee attacked button, speak more 'with her than with me.
<< Verissimo, sei proprio un uomo da sposare, peccato, sono troppo vecchia per te e poi sto gia per sposarmi.>>
A stone fell down on his head, he could not move, while others congratulated her, I remained silent. I could not believe. 'Cause I had said that he would marry Adam?
He looked at me but I looked away from her, two minutes later, I told everyone that I was going to change me 'cause I had to empty the garbage. I could invent a better excuse. Dropped the ice between the present and when I got dressed as a ragged Lee offered to accompany me.
We drove in silence the way to the dumpster, that romance, and when we cleared out his hands he began to speak.
<< Non devi essere arrabbiata con tua madre, non vuoi che sia felice?>>
<< Certo che voglio che sia felice, ma perche' non me l'ha detto?>>
<< Forse aspettava il momento migliore. Hai appena ritrovato tuo padre, avresti fatto lo stesso, perche' siete uguali. E poi questo Adam merita' di sposarla perche' e' riuscito a far cambiare una tostona come lei.>>
Lee was right, I loved my mother, I support any decision he took. She would do the same with me.
<< Stai sorridendo, quindi ti sei calmata.>>
<< Sì..>> I replied awkwardly.
<< Sei bellissima, sempre. Non solo quando indossi il vestito di Su.>>
I embraced him and I felt embarrassed, which has long wanted to do it this way.
He shook and we kissed with all the passion we had in the chest. If it was true that a kiss was the difference between friendship and love, Lee and I were what? I knew
have reddened lips, we were stuck for more 'than ten minutes, returning home I took her hand without speaking, everything was very tender.
entered the house we saw that Cat had arrived but we were all tired and sleepy, Lee greeted everyone (went to the dorm instead of Cat until the next day), especially my mother, who hoped to see again soon and made an appointment to take her to a Cat 'airport. I regretted not being able to sleep under his roof. I accompanied him to the door and kissed him in secret by everyone.
<< Ti chiamo domani!>> said five times before he could pull off. My heart was about to explode.
My mother had prepared everything for the start and was already 'in bed, put on my pajamas and I noticed that and 'thoughtful.
<< Se mi vuoi come tua damigella, sarò felice di esserlo.>>
<< Avevo paura di chiedertelo, sai? >>
<< Mamma, sono veramente felice per te, non dimenticarlo ok? Avevo in mente la stupida idea che tra te e papa' le cose si sarebbero potute sistemare.>>
<< Ho amato molto AJ ma ora ha una famiglia ed io sono cambiata. E' il mio primo amore come Peter di St lo e' stato per te. Tu ami ancora Peter?>>
<< No mamma, la verita' e'che amo da morire Lee.>>
<< Lo sapevo, me n'ero accorta. Devi dirglielo sai? Non lasciare andare via l'amore per timidezza, insicurezza od orgoglio come ho fatto io, l'amore e' una cosa bellissima. >> said that embraced me, and I thought she would miss so much.

28) Looking for Paris ...

Subject: RE: Are you alive?
Date: Wed, 28 Jun, 20XX

16:29:22 +0000 Hi Simon, now that the first year and 'to an end, how is your life?
I right now are at a crossroads: not Paris or Paris?
you'll want to know about the festival! Well, I won first place for my category and the prize and 'scholarship to the famous' IDES Paris for a year.
Truth 'and' who are still undecided whether to leave or not, because 'my father' still there and will stay there for nine more ...
AJ / Pope 'wants to leave, my mother, Lee the same, start' too (but he 's been forced to go there), but I really do not feel.
year, the Festival 'held last week, and' lasted three days at the end of which, the jury decided the winners of various categories.
I won the "Painting" the first year with the painting "Lee, Ivy as the best designer of the second year (the dress made her figure and I also. As requested, I am attaching a picture of me dressed as a model: P), while Su and 'went to second place in the same category as the girlfriend. Unfortunately, the accessories have won the drawing. Ivy will start, 'On no. The first and
'was very hesitant about leaving, but did not agree on an apology, Ivy must go and must wait in Paris the following year.
The two have always dreamed of living in Paris and put up a boutique, and on the draft 'to earn as much as' possible this year 's will then follow over the next year' IDES.
Lee, however, was out of competition (he presented his latest work, given the problems we had this year).
know Simon, the picture that brought me to school in the exhibition depicting the lake while I painted, I had done in secret. You will not believe it, but that morning was that I painted the picture "Lee".
It 's not romantic? He had a photo of me, I had a picture that bore his name ... <3
If you decide to go to Paris I would do it just for him, Lee and 'forced to go there because' the principal gave him a chance 'to be promoted and go to 3 years * Visual only by accepting the transfer to Paris (the bag Study won it last year and may be delayed, even I could start next year, for example!).
Lee had to accept because 'the school of Paris wants at all costs. I know I'll miss' to death and the time that remains to be together and 'little, it can not' wait for the academic year next (September) before you leave, 'cause the IDES of the French capital requires the children of other countries to study French with them all summer.
I would follow him with all of myself but my father takes precedence at this time in my life, do not you think?
Now I'll leave 'cause we're getting ready to go. After tomorrow, my mom got married and we're all going to ST.
Oh for the record, Lee and I are always in phase Pomicio 24hsu24 clothes (or almost ...) and no sex, yet no-problem-for him, "he says."
Do not ask, do not know 'cause I do not feel ready yet, now we should have confidence because I always sleep together!
Do not call me stupid and Simo tell me about yourself! I know you are in full swing-festival? You are twinned with the IDES in London, right? Better, so if you win you should not do an intensive course on the tongue, fingers crossed for you.
await news.
Kiss soon.

Cliccai to "Send mail".
<< Hai finito di scrivere? Hai messo l'annuncio sul sito affittacamere? >> On asked impatiently, had accompanied me to the internet point.
<< Sì, per ora ho scritto che affittiamo solo una camera, poi quando deciderò ti lascio la mia user e modifichi l'inserzione, nel caso andasse modificata.>> explained in a tone hardly credible.
<< Non mentirmi Mel. So benissimo che non ci andrai, puoi fingere con Lee, non di certo con me! Lui ha troppi cuoricini intorno alla sua testa per capire...>> ridiculed.
<< Tu cosa faresti?>>
<< Resterei con me, ovvio.>>
<< La tua risposta e' davvero di parte, io non conoscevo mio padre. Voglio stargli vicino, voglio esserci quando uscira', glielo devo, lo merita. E' una brava persona , anche quando non sapeva di essere mio padre, e' stato gentile con me. >> was at that very moment that I decided not to go.
<< Sono contenta che resti Mel, mi sentirò meno sola, so quanto e' duro allontanarsi dalla persona che ami...>>
<< Non capisco perche' l'hai convinta a partire! Lei sarebbe rimasta con te.>>
<< Perche' e' il suo sogno. Aveva fatto domanda d'ingresso all' IDES di Parigi il primo anno, ma non ha superato il test d'ingresso. E' da quando stiamo insieme che parla di Parigi e di che capitale della moda sia. Tu che avresti fatto?>> I looked sad and defeated.
<< Sarei rimasta con me, ovvio. > > I smiled and hugged me, get out of the Internet point we decided to go get a coffee '. Meanwhile
and Ivy Lee had gone to take the girl's car to a mechanic, we decided to go to ST car.
<< Mi fa male stare sempre con tre donne! >> Lee lamented.
<< Ma come, al massimo gli altri penseranno che sei un dongiovanni!>> the joke does not hit that Lee seemed more and more 'agitated.
<< Se come no, come affronterai la cosa? La separazione da Su. >> finally decided to blow off steam.
<< Con internet? Cellulare? Anche lettere...>> Ivy said, downplaying it, he knew that Lee's mood was affected by that thing.
<< Non scherzare, non so ancora Mel cosa decidera', ma se non dovesse venire ci rimarrei di merda!>>
<< Cosa ti spaventa? >>
<< Tutto, il pensiero che lei possa star qui da sola senza di me, sono preoccupato. E' così ingenua a volte.>>
<< Sei matto? Con Su, non le succedera' niente.>>
<< E se al mio posto in casa andra' qualche altro ragazzo? >> and here is the second paranoia.
<< Dovrei essere gelosa anche io, se ti sostituisse una ragazza, allora? Non ci avevo pensato. E se arrivasse una lesbica spregiudicata? >>
<< Non mi stai prendendo seriamente, vero?>>
<< Dico solo che come geloso non sei convincente. >> Ivy said, crossing his arms.
<< Staremo bene, dovremo considerarci noi i fortunati che abbiamo la sorte di veder realizzato il nostro sogno. Andiamo a Parigi, la citta' degli artisti. >>
<< Hai ragione, la verita' e' che la voglio con me perche' ho bisogno di lei. Ho paura di crollare senza lei. >>
<< Lee hai ventuno anni, lei quasi venti, non devi sentirti così dipendente da lei. Io amo Su, sarei rimasta con lei perche' ci tengo a lei, ma ho capito che nella vita ci sono ancora molte cose da fare e da vedere. Su vivra' qui, continuera' a vivere ed a fare esperienze, non obbligatoriamente significa che s'innamorera' di qualcun'altra! Abbiamo tutta la vita per stare insieme. Starai bene, Mel stara' bene. Staremo bene a Parigi.>> Lee looked at her skeptically.
<< Credo di non essere stata molto convincente. Ti posso dire tante cose ma se non ti entra nella testa…>> said that he passed the car keys. Ivy decided that would guide him.

We were all ready to go, we women do not wear anything smart 'cause my mom had said we were her bridesmaids and three who had already' prepared our clothes, I entrusted to his good taste, a little crossing 'the fingers.
I had already 'advance on all of us: "Mami had guessed: At Ivy's on with Lee and I", he had been enthusiastic.
<< E' piu'contenta che partecipi tu al matrimonio che io..quasi!>> I tried to attract the attention of Lee entering its room. He continued to prepare his things not worth even a look, how I would tell him that I was going to Paris?
<< Cos'hai Lee?>> I was afraid to know.
<< Non verrai, vero?>> said he did not even giving me the rope.
<< Lascia che ti spieghi!>> I tried to turn it over to me.
<< Lo sapevo, non ne hai mai avuto intenzione! >> was agitated. He threw everything he had on the bed in my hands, I ran to pick them up so hysterical, it was an instinctive gesture of mine, like I wanted to calm his nerves.
<< Posso spiegarti…>> I defended putting his things.
<< Sai qual'e' la verita'? >> I said, taking her hands with vogue.
<< Come fai a sapere la mia verita'? >> his eyes were nervous. I was almost afraid.
<< La verita' e' che non mi ami. Per questo non parti con me! Non mi ami, ed e' anche per questo che non vuoi fare l'amore con me.>>
How could he say thing? My eyes filled with tears, but he did not see me 'cause it was already out of his room, leaving me behind.

29) always try to be happy.

The long journey toward hope.
No one spoke to anyone. Next were Ivy, intent on scratching and Lee who drove property. Behind me, I looked thoughtfully out the window and slept on that.
<< Allora ragazzi che si fa? Dobbiamo attraversare una regione intera e mi annoio.>> Ivy said.
<< Finita la manicure? >> Lee RESPONSIBLE acid.
<< Si! Accendiamo la radio?>> did so immediately, without waiting for our consent, and by waking up the volume on.
<< Chi e' che fa questo baccano?>>
<< La tua ragazza...>> pointed. On
began to sing the song sent, No Sins of a very old.
<< Fighe ste qua! Ci sara' qualche lesbica tra loro? >> Ivy churches concerned.
<< Che io sappia no.>> I said, being a fan of the No Sins since their first single, I knew all of their private lives.
<< Peccato...>>
<< Che palle, mettiamo su la Greatist Hist dei The Cast.>> Lee proposed mischievous, he knew that I liked the No Sins. All appreciated his idea, I did not answer. The three went on to
Spoilerati on the life of the "cursed" Steve Garrison and the topic inevitably ended up on the mysterious friend Peter (who in reality 'we had met) ex-girlfriend of the leader of the band. Lee, who was eager to argue, just heard the name "Peter" began to shoot any of that crap present (I) would have made the wrong choice and that he should continue on his way (I should continue to be interested in Peter in practice!).
THAT TWO BALLS! I felt flushed with anger, he advised me on some gestures of rope and I did not give him the thing seemed annoyed but on promptly changed the subject.
<< Eppure mi hanno detto che le No Sins live sono bravissime! Vorrei vederle, magari Cat, che farà da loro supporter, potrebbe procurarci qualche biglietto gratis!>>
<< Invece a me hanno detto che sembra abbiamo i cori registrati! Le ha viste mio cugino Jude in un concerto a Villa Nuova.>> Lee said.
<< Tuo cugino e' di VN? Io vorrei tanto andarci! Dicono che la pizza in quella citta' e' buonissima.>>
<< No, e' di Bluebridge un piccolo paese di SeaBurgh...>>
<< Gli facevano così schifo le No Sins che ha attraversato una regione intera per vederle.>> Ivy said ironically.
<< Che c'entra e' un musicista deve vedere tutti i concerti! Almeno per studiare le varie tecniche dei live. Ha un gruppo: i Cheesecake forse si chiamano...>>
A group called Cheesecake, what songs could they? For older children or grandmothers, I supposed.
I do not care much, and I closed my eyes while the others continued to comment about that, I fell asleep.
I woke up in ST, when I tapped on the shoulder to ask directions to my house. See ST was a blow to the heart to me, do not live in the center but that was my city, 'I loved it all and I knew that one day we'd come back.
New Shine was a good substitute, but Skyscraper Town was the heart of Loreland.
As I looked out the window I saw everything that belonged to my memories. Where the wall with my childhood friends chatting in the school, the ice cream shop where squandered my allowance, the street where I first met Peter: ST was everything to me.
pointed to the driveway of my house, my mother had already called and was waiting for me down Adam with her (I kept thinking that AJ / Pope 'was more beautiful).
got out and ran to my mother embraced me, everything was a whirlwind of emotions.
I was all right there at home?
I realized that it no longer mattered 'the answer' cause it was nice to go home, even more so with the awareness of resent somewhere in the world. Adam shook his hand and while the others stood by him, I went into the house. My mom was eager to ask me all the while I held back the tears coming into my room. Everything was as it was then.
<< Le tue cose sono dove le hai lasciate, ogni tanto ho spolverato ma poi ho rimesso tutto a posto.>>
<< Lo vedo. Oh mamma. >> shortly after her grandmother arrived and we started a little 'to speak, my mother went to welcome others. The granny
could not wait to meet my "friend" but unfortunately I had to give bad news.
<< Abbiamo litigato quindi non sara' molto di buon umore.>>> In the meantime, my mother returned to the room.
<< Lo vedo un po' strano! Raccontami tutto!>>
told the indispensable, my mother and my grandmother looked at me concerned, it seemed slightly surreal.
<< Se vuole portarti con lui significa che ti ama e che ti vuole con lui, dovrebbe essere una cosa bella.>> explained to my grandmother.
<< Dovrebbe! Ma non posso andare con lui e lo sa, dobbiamo per forza litigare per questo?>>
<< Lo conosco, in fondo e' un ottimo ragazzo, voglio parlarci.>>
<< Non farlo mamma, e' testardo, lo conosco meglio io, si arrabbierebbe ancora di piu'.>>
Adam called us all in the living room, he had already prepared a toast. I decided that it wishes to clarify the future husband of my mother 'cause he deserved it then, I wanted to or not, it would become my stepfather. More
'late with an excuse when my mother took with Lee.
<< Spero non per parlargli.>>
<< Assolutamente no, non preoccuparti!>> I replied with a wink.
up and talking in Ivy with my grandmother who boasted of his past as a seamstress, and I was left alone with Adam.
<< Allora piccola, hai fatto pace con il tuo tipo?>>
<< Ma che'! Non vuole parlarmi! >> was also 'cause he called me little that I did not consider him a genius, but now a leap.
<< Che tipo testardo ti sei scelta.>>
<< Sono una masochista questa e' la verita'. Ascolta Adam ci sono alcune cose che vorrei dirti! Mi sono comportata sempre male con te, ero gelosa e possessiva. Non ti nego che e' maggiormente stata colpa tua se sono “scappata” da qui. Con il tempo però mi sono resa conto che tu sei quello di cui mia madre ha bisogno, insomma voglio dirti e' che dopo tanto tempo, vi do la mia benedizione.>>
<< Grazie Mel. Conta davvero tanto per me. >> gave me a pat on the back and I decided that it is' too cold for a gesture which embraced him, wondering what they were doing and my mother Lee.
The two were discussing.
<< Ti rendi conto che non ha mai conosciuto suo padre?>>
<< Questo grazie a te.>>
<< Lee, non ti permetto di dire queste cose! Tu non sai nulla di me quindi frena...>> seemed quite agitated.
<< Scusami Megan , in realta' sono convinto che lei non mi ami, lo avverto.>>
<< Lei ti ama di piu' di quanto tu creda invece. Non fare il bambino, amore non significa per forza ricevere qualcosa di plateale.>>
<< Ed allora? Come posso crederle?>>
<< Ti prepara da mangiare volentieri e cerca di cucinare sempre le cose che ti piacciono?>>
<< Si. Da quando stiamo insieme mi ha praticamente fatto da mangiare tutti i giorni.>>
<< Quando vede che stai male, ti chiama ogni minuto per sapere come stai, o meglio non vorrebbe allontanarsi da te neanche un minuto?>>
<< E' capitato!>>
<< Stupido. >> Megan struck him in the head with a newspaper.
<< Ti ama, e molto. Lei cerca di fare di tutto per rendere felice la persona che ama e proteggerla addirittura... lo faceva anche con me.>>
<< Ma questa volta?>>
<< Questa volta pensa a suo padre. Lei non ha mai avuto un padre.>>
<< Beh, io non ho mai avuto una madre, ma sceglierei di sicuro lei.>>
<< Davvero? Oppure lo dici perche' sai che non tornera' piu' tua madre...?>>
<< E' morta, non tornera'.>> he said, lowering his head.
<< Facciamo una patto: se ti comporterai bene con mia figlia, sarò io come una madre per te, ti rimprovererò quando sbaglierai, ti menerò anche se e' necessario, e potrai chiamarmi quando non saprai cosa fare...>>
<< Non mi serve una madre! >> he said looking out the window.
<< Se un giorno dovessi sposare Mel io lo sarò automaticamente...>>
<< Io sposato? Che film hai visto?>> Lee replied smugly.
<< Saresti fortunato a sposare Mel, lo sai? >> mother was vexed. He paused a moment and then answered.
<< Lo sò. >> the two resumed their march and Megan seemed very pleased with the conversation.

marriage came, all were beautiful! The clothes that my mother had chosen for the bridesmaids and Lee were wonderful in a tuxedo was breathtaking when I could embrace him once? I missed so much, even physical contact ... if somehow I'd got my hand? Pretending to nothing?
During the ceremony, I moved, my mother looked the same and it was Lee who took my hand making me look very sweet.
<< Ti amo. >> whispered.
<< Mi manchi. >> he said.
In the chaos we had no chance to speak up at the dances, Lee asked me if I wanted to dance with him.
I clung to his chest, I would not talk because 'at that moment everything was perfect and he was beautiful.
<< Mel...>>
<< No Lee, non dire niente, so che sei arrabbiato ma io voglio stare solo così per un pò, perche' tra un po' andrai via . Al momento non posso seguirti e so che mi mancheranno queste braccia, questi occhi, questa bocca... tutto. E se ci penso impazzisco vorrei dirti di non andare ma non ne ho il diritto, tienimi ancora un po' tra le tue braccia.>>
<< Il tuo posto e' tra le mie braccia adesso e per sempre, ed anche se ho solo ventun’ anni lo dico con tutto il cuore. Non avevo previsto che avremmo dovuto separarci, ma so che questa e' l'ultima volta.>>
<< Ti amo. Per sempre.>>
<< Ti amo. Per sempre e sono pazzo, mi e' passato per la mente…di sposarti!>>
<< Cosa? Quando?>> sgranai eyes.
<< Chi lo sa? Ci stai?>>
<< Sarebbe meraviglioso. >> of all we kissed and I wanted to make love to him with my whole being.
I saw my mom, Adam, and Ivy on watching something and confabulation. And if I had read my mind? It was so obvious?
In late evening the couple stayed in the hotel where the ceremony took place, that was our gift. We had booked them a suite with Jacuzzi, room service and massages. Something extra luxury.
arrived at my house, my grandmother went to sleep, shut up and Ivy in the guest room because 'some' tipsy and I asked Lee to come with me into the garage.
<< Che romanica che sei! >> had understood my intentions.
<< No, ti voglio far vedere il mio laboratorio.>> explained to him by dragging it.
Upon entering I began to kiss him passionately and stroking.
<< Aspetta Lee, e' la verita'.>> I said about turning around. Everything remained as it was then, apart from the clothes dryer on the corner, with sheets folded over.
<< E' un laboratorio vero e proprio.>> was stunned.
<< Gia', a parte l'asciugatrice.>> said with tears in his eyes, looked like a place without time, everything was left unchanged. I stroked my brushes and colors, as he began to kiss her neck.
<< Possiamo mica profanare questo posto?>> I tried to convince him but he was ready to withdraw the suit and unbutton his shirt. I pulled my lips its brakes and all that I had held dissolved, I gave him a long hot passionate kiss, our mouths were fused into one. Her hands began to move throughout my body, slowly undressed me completely, I had got to stroke, the body of Lee was beautifully perfect.
I found myself naked on the table, brushes and the colors were all killed and Lee took the sheet from the dryer for clothing, it was time to be his completely.
We spent the night in the garage, making love. I liked the way he hugged me after I did, I shook herself quite high with his body at least 25 cm longer than mine. I loved him and it was he who wanted to marry one day it would be been possible. I was hoping not to forget the promise of marriage, then I looked into her eyes and kissed my nose gently, "No, I will not forget '!", I thought.
was dawn and I wanted to do it again, my body language was very clear.
<< Dobbiamo rientrare perche' tua nonna tra poco si svegliera' e se le servono queste lenzuola, e' la fine.>> called me back.
I was convinced and went to wash, unfortunately we did not shower together. He first went into the bathroom and slipped between the sheets to wash clothes.
I went to the bathroom once it was over, I still want to be with him, we kissed continuously for about ten minutes stuck on the bathroom door but then he stopped me again.
<< La nonna! >> reminded me. The shower would washed for a while 'the smell of Lee, but I could close it for a while, I thought of when he went to Paris and I broke up the heart, while the water fell on my face let me go into tears liberating. I would miss so much.
out of the shower, I found Lee in the kitchen preparing breakfast for all the sex he had put in a good mood, Up and Ivy looked at him.
<< Dormito bene? >> Lee asked kissing her lips. << Ti amo, te l'avevo detto?>> whispered, then went to the grandmother.
<< Ti vedo un po' spossata.>> On said in a low voice, I laughed embarrassed by the gesture to be quiet, she knew me and winked.
mom came and MOD (my other dad) that Adam had to take the bags to then leave for their honeymoon, but before leaving they gave us to make an announcement.
<< Mel, io ed Adam sotto consiglio di Ivy abbiamo deciso di farti un regalo...>> began my mother.
<< Non resisto. Trascorrerai l'estate a Parigi con me, Lee e Su. >> Ivy intervened, what?
<< Ebbene io e Adam ti paghiamo l'alloggio in un convitto per tre mesi.>>
Lee ran to hug my mother.
<< Grazie, mamma!>> said, and I remained a little 'shock, Megan was touched.
They explained that the family would have paid for on Ivy. Adam thanked him warmly.
<< Non devi ringraziare piccola, sei stata fuori casa per 9 mesi e non hai mai chiesto un centesimo a tua madre, sei una ragazza d'oro!>> justified fill my heart with joy.
I spent the holidays in Paris and I was with my Lee.
I would be back in New Shine and I was with my father that once out of prison I could attend free. My mother had not Adam and I had no reason to worry about her.
I was sure he had found the way to a happy ending, my happy ending.
But the final then? Everything was just getting started, I knew it would have been the happiest years of my life who would come ...

Never too young or too old for the knowledge of happiness (...). From young to old
as it is right that we dedicate ourselves to know. Letter
Epicurus on happiness (a Menoeceus).


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